Liz & Esther have been close friends for over eight years. They met when their boys were in preschool and their daughters were in kindergarten. After navigating the complicated and stressful years of Covid with kids, they saw firsthand the impact that Covid had on the already awkward and emotionally challenging middle and early hight school years.
With a passion for this age group, they saw a need for teens to learn the much needed skills of self confidence, skills to build stronger relationships & leadership. Using their combined backgrounds of middle school education and communication, and both being Certified DISC Trainers, they decided to join forces and create Discover Greater, a program that empowers teens to become the best version of themselves.
As the parent of a 15 year old daughter and an 12 year old son my deepest desire is for them to grow into self-confident, highly independent, self sufficient adults. I want them to know how to truly connect with people. I want them to have all of the skills they need to grow into incredible adults.
I also know what the past few years have
As the parent of a 15 year old daughter and an 12 year old son my deepest desire is for them to grow into self-confident, highly independent, self sufficient adults. I want them to know how to truly connect with people. I want them to have all of the skills they need to grow into incredible adults.
I also know what the past few years have done to this entire generation of kids. Between Covid, being out of school for months, and social media this group of kids are really hurting. They live in a world where connection for them means being on their phones, posting, getting "likes" where they get a false, shallow sense of self esteem based on someone clicking a heart or a thumbs up. But that is not how real relationships work nor how true connections are made. After watching everything unfold over the past few years, I have a very clear vision of how I want to help them!
With a degree in Communications, I have run my own business, hired and managed teams and had the opportunity for years to work with my dad's company Personality Insights to help businesses and adults build better teams and healthier relationships. We have heard countless times, "I wish I had learned this information when I was a teenager. It would have been so helpful!"
We are so excited to launch Discover Greater where our focus is to specifically help teens better understand themselves and others. My passion is to help teens learn how to be self-confident, develop strong communication skills, be able to look others in the eyes and truly connect - not just on social media! Our goal at Discover Greater is to help teens grow into the incredible humans God made them to be!
My name is Liz and I love kids!
For more than 20 years, I’ve worked with kids in the classroom, on the field, and around the dining room table. My experience has taught me that ALL kids give us something to appreciate—whether it’s their sense of humor, kindness, sincerity, curiosity, spirit of adventure, smile or silliness. Even the tough
My name is Liz and I love kids!
For more than 20 years, I’ve worked with kids in the classroom, on the field, and around the dining room table. My experience has taught me that ALL kids give us something to appreciate—whether it’s their sense of humor, kindness, sincerity, curiosity, spirit of adventure, smile or silliness. Even the tough kids have something to offer. Ironically, the tougher the kid, the better I get along with them.
As a Mom to a 15-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son, I’ve seen first hand the awful toll the past few years has taken on our children. I will not sit by and watch it happen anymore. I want to help by offering our kids hope and joy and FUN! That’s what Discover Greater is all about—reaching kids who are longing for connection, joy, hope, and the lightheartedness that should be part of their youth. I want to see that youthful sparkle return to our kids’ eyes, especially the teenagers!
Now that you know about my passion, here’s more about my background. I‘m professionally trained as a teacher, with a degree in Elementary Education and Sociology from Villanova University. I also earned a Master’s Degree in Math, Science and Technology from Hofstra University, and an Advanced Certificate in School District Administration from LI University. I’m also a Certified DISC trainer and focus on teaching children how to effectively engage in personal development and take personal responsibility.
Through Discover Greater, I will apply all of my education and experience to pour into this generation of struggling teens. We are so excited to share this exciting curriculum that will give your teen the tools and skills to transform their lives for a higher purpose.
DISCover Greater is a division of Personality Insights, Inc, solely focused on teenagers and their future success.
After years of working with adults, we have heard over and over again the same comment, "I wish I had know this information and had these skills earlier in life." We believe the time is now to provide these critical tools for teens in a
generation of distress and that is how this program was born!
We have created an effective curriculum which is easy enough to understand and practical enough to apply.
This will be an incredible experience for your teenager!
All of our coaches are certified Human Behavior Consultants who have been trained in the model of Human Behavior.
Each coach has successfully completed rigorous training requirements in order to lead & teach our classes. This program has been developed through hands on training which focuses on practical, real-life experience.
The wisdom and knowledge that they will learn in this program will be life changing.
Personality Insights has been in the business of training leaders world wide and public speakers for over 30 years and we look forward to adding your teen to our DiSCover Greater family!